Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More.
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Clinics

NBHC Gulfport

COVID-19 Vaccination

NMRTU Gulfport is offering the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to all Tricare Beneficiaries 18 years old and older by appointment only. You can schedule your appointments on this website:

Scheduling of the vaccine:

Please visit the following website to schedule your first and second dose:
Appointments can also be scheduled by calling or coming by the Immunizations clinic. The immunization clinic can be reached at 228-822-5777.
If for any reason you need to cancel your appointment, please cancel the appointment on the website or call the immunization clinic at 228-822-5777 to cancel. 
The second dose of the Moderna vaccine will need to be scheduled 28 days after the first dose. Please feel free to schedule your first and second dose (for 28 days later) at the same time.
CDC Guidance on Scheduling Doses:
  • Persons age 18 years and older should receive 2 doses at least 28 days apart.
  • Second doses should be administered as close to the recommended interval as possible.
  • If it is not feasible to adhere to the recommended interval, you may schedule the second dose up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose; there is limited efficacy data beyond this window, but a dose after this time does not need to be repeated.
  • Both doses should be Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Administer the vaccine series alone.
  • Separate mRNA COVID-19 vaccines 14 days before or after administration of any other vaccine.
For more information about COVID-19 virus and vaccine please visit the following websites:                  
We will continue to update our Facebook page and website with the most current information on vaccinations.     

Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program

Description of Services:

Behavioral Health provides fitness for duty evaluations, specialty evaluations, medical boards, psychiatric and psychological assessment, individual and group psychotherapy, and medication management of symptoms. In addition, SARP provides comprehensive substance abuse assessment, education, intervention, and continuing care. Services are currently available only to active duty personnel regardless of branch of service. 

Contact Information:

Located in Building 472
Phone: 228 - 822 - 5710
Fax: 228 - 871 - 2630

Hours of Operation:

7am - 3:30pm (Last appointment at 2:30pm)


Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS)

Description of Services:

1. FOCUS (Famililes OverComing Under Stress) is a resilience-building program of the Department of Defense. 
2. The FOCUS program is designed for military families, couples and children facing ongoing stress and change.
3. FOCUS promotes family strengths and supports adults and children to help manage the challenges of military life.

Hours of Operation:

Appointments are set to client’s needs – including evening and weekend hours! Appointments are confidential and not reported to command or medical.

Contact information:

(228) 822-5736 (O)
(228) 822-5071 (F)
Bldg. 472
Suite: 1092

Important links:

Medical Records

 The main scope of the Medical Records Division is to provide an array of support services to our beneficiaries.   Services provided include:  Registration, Medical Records Copy Requests, Transmittals (between medical facilities), and Release of Medical Information.   Our commitment is to ensure that each service member and their families are provided with prompt and courteous service at all times.
New Check-In
 All new patients must register with medical records before they can schedule an appointment or receive prescriptions at the pharmacy.   As a Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting Systems (DEERS) check must be performed in order to establish eligibility.
Exceptions to the No Hand-Carry Policy:
Active duty personnel /transferring overseas or to a deploying unit may hand-carry their record, for all others their record will be mailed and tracked.  They MUST present a copy of their orders, complete and sign a NAVMED 6150/8, Outpatient Record Release Request and Transfer Receipt.  
Medical Records Correspondence and Copies:
All record requests must be made in person or by fax.   Complete the DD Form 2870, Authorization for Disclosure of Medical and Dental Information form.  Behavior Health records must be clearly indicated on the form.  Please keep in mind; we will need to have an original signature and a copy of your military ID or driver’s license from requestor in order to process the request in its entirety for all faxed or mailed in requests.  ** Please allow 30 days from the receipt of your request for processing**
All service members retiring and separating from the military are required to turn their Service Treatment Records (medical and dental records) into medical records.  All Marine Corps service members are required to turn in their Service Treatment records to the Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC) and or admin separations clerk for their unit.

Transitioning Duty Stations (PCS/Moving):

Personnel who are out-processed on PCS, TAD or separation orders should report to the Medical Records Office as part of their check out procedure.  A copy of your orders must be presented to verify the command to which you are transferring.
Please note – Medical records are the property of the U. S. Government and must be maintained by the military treatment facility having primary cognizance for the patient’s health care.  In other words, members are not authorized to maintain their own medical records.
Forms:  DD2870                                                         


GULFPORT MS 39501 Outpatient Records:  (228) 822-5732/5494
Fax:   (228) 871-3675

Medical Home Port Team Honor

Welcome to your Medical Home Port Team. We are here to provide you with the best possible care and that happens when the patient, providers, and support staff all work together.
To make the most of our partnership, we promise to be respectful, collaborative, and accessible. In turn, we ask that you engage in ongoing communication with us and that you take charge of your health.
Your Medical Home Port Team is made up of doctors, providers, nurses, corpsmen and support staff dedicated to providing all aspects of your healthcare in a personalized, patient centered way. Your Medical Home Port Team's goal is to provide the high quality healthcare you deserve! We strive to ensure same day access to care when desired. Our goal is for you to also see your assigned provider or another member of your team if your provider is not available.
We know you best and are committed to providing personalized care. We have expanded our ability to meet your needs with avenues to provide aspects of care that do not always require a face to face visit. RelayHealth is a secure messaging service that provides convenient access to your healthcare team. If you want to request a prescription refill or send your provider a question at midnight, you have access! Please take the time to sign up for this valuable communication tool. We want to ensure that your needs are delivered in your assigned team, thus alleviating potential long waits in an Urgent Care Center or Emergency Room for routine care. The success of a Medical Home Port Team requires a partnership between us and our patients as we navigate and optimize your health together. When you have a need for healthcare, please contact us. We are committed to caring for you at a time that is convenient to you!
Hours:  Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Phone Number: (228) 871-4033

Health Care Services

Customer Service: (228) 822-5725
Case Management: Family  Medicine / Active-Duty - 228-822-5057 Active-Duty Mental Health 228-822-5701

Dental: (228) 871-2605
Health Benefits: (228) 822-5725
Immunizations: (228) 822-5777
Laboratory: (228) 822-5266
Medical Records: (228) 822-5732
Nurse Advice Line: 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273), option 1
Physical Therapy: (228) 822-5138
Radiology: (228) 822-5782
TRICARE* 1-800-444-5445

Description of Services:

Audiograms (hearing tests), are provided to Active Duty and Federal Employees who work in established Hazardous Noise Areas and are in the Hearing Conservation Program. This service is also provided when required as a component of a physical examination to establish personnel as physically qualified to perform their duties (i.e. forklift or crane operator, fire fighter, explosives vehicle operator).  Limited hearing aid services are provided to active duty members only.  On-site workplace assist visits and group hearing conservation training are available upon request. 

Hours of Operation: 0700-1530

Contact information: 228-822-5778

Important links


Medications available at NBHC Gulfport may be viewed here (link to TRICARE formulary) Pharmacy Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. –3:30 p.m.
Phone:  (228) 822-5784

For refills, call toll free 1-888-513-4164, you will need the number from the label of your medication (please call 10 days in advance)    
All refills arrive at NBHC Gulfport from the Naval Hospital Pensacola. Save a trip to the clinic by using the Tricare Mail Order Pharmacy

Dental treatments such as:

  • Restorative (Fillings, Crowns, Bridges)
  • Prosthetic (Implants)
  • Endodontic (Root Canal) Therapy
  • Exodontia (Extraction of Teeth)

We also perform:

  • Examinations
  • Radiographs (X-Rays)
  • Diagnosis
  • Overseas Screening

Specialty Care

Referred to the network

Important Information

Dental Emergencies

The following are usually considered dental emergencies:

  • Severe Pain
  • Severe Swelling
  • Uncontrollable Bleeding
  • Acute Trauma

The following are generally NOT considered to be dental emergencies:

  • Loose teeth (adult or baby teeth) unless associated with trauma/injury
  • Loose permanent or temporary crowns and/or broken fillings or teeth that occur while eating

Contact Us


Contact Us


5502 Marvin Shields Blvd.
Gulfport, MS


Monday - Friday 7:00AM - 3:30PM


Main: (228) 871 - 4033
Central Appointments: (877)-879-1621
Safeline: (866) 678-4881

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!