Medical Home Port Team Mid-South
Welcome to your Medical Home Port Team. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality healthcare you deserve! We strive to ensure same day access to care and to see your assigned provider or another member of your team if your provider is not available.
We have expanded your ability to engage in your healthcare and interact with your healthcare team.
The MHS Genesis Patient Portal allows you to:
•Book appointments online
•Message and communicate your healthcare team
•Refill prescriptions online
•View summaries of your healthcare visits
For care outside of normal clinic hours, the Nurse Advice Line provides options and authorization for immediate care by dialing 1-800-874-2273, option 1
Hours: Monday – Friday 0700-1600
Phone Number 901-874-6100
BHC Mid-South Pharmacy
Located in the Navy Exchange
Hours 0800-1600 Monday – Friday
Closed Weekends, Federal Holidays, and Every 4th Wednesday at 1300
New Prescriptions and Renewing Prescriptions
We accept electronically prescribed prescriptions (eRx) for both controlled and non-controlled medications
Options to activate a prescription
1. By QR code scan or form link
2. MHS Genesis Patient Portal request
3. Phone line 504-605-1316
Activation Procedures
Steps by email:
1 Scan QR CODE or use the following link:
NOTE: Save the email to your contacts to ensure you receive status replies.
2 Wait to receive an email with the date your prescription is ready to pick up
3 Pick up your prescription within 10 days. After 10 days, re-activation will be required
Steps by MHS Genesis Portal:
1 Log into portal. Requires CAC or DS login
2 Select Rx Refills tab and select medications to refill
3 Confirm pharmacy location and submit. Note ready by time and date for pick up
Steps by Phone: Prescription Activation/ Refill
1 Dial 504-605-1316
2 Press 4 (for the Millington TN NEX pharmacy)
3 Press 1 (to fill a prescription)
4 Enter an 8-digit Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) followed by the pound sign (#)
5 Enter the numeric portion of the prescription number followed by the (#)
6 Make note of your pick-up date confirmation
7 For additional refill request repeat steps 5 and 6 or hang up to end the call
Text Message Notifications for Prescriptions:
At Pharmacy counter:
1.Provide an updated phone number and cellular service provider
2.When you receive the text message to enroll - accept and save that number to your contacts (to allow your SPAM blocker to recognize the number).
3.Wait to receive a text message with the date your prescription is ready to pick up
4.Pick up within 10 days. After 10 days, re-activation will be required
TRICARE Pharmacy Not just for Home Delivery Anymore
Want to know the status of your prescription(s), prior authorization request decisions, prices of medications at network pharmacies or how to have the convenience of medications delivered to your home, visit:
Your Electronic Health Record MHS Genesis and Patient Portal
Need to request a prescription renewal from your MTF Provider or send a message to your healthcare team? Login to MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. A DS Logon Account is required. To find out more at